
About Myself

Hello, My name is Ryan but I am also known online as RangerRhino23. I am a high school student in the United States. I enjoy computer programming, photography, and editing. I also enjoy running in Track and playing in my schools orchestra. For computer programming, I mostly program in Python as well as some HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I have participated in a few different coding competitions before as well as worked with other programming developers to work on different projects. Outside of my online life, I am involved in a few different groups including Boy Scouts, Order of the Arrow, and a few school activities. Below are a few pictures from different activities I've done outside of programming.

Ryan shooting an M16 Rifle Ryan at his first middle school Track Meet

Programming Life

Although my programming carrer has just begun, I have done a bunch of different things involving programming. I started to learn about computer programming in the fall of 2021. In math class, there was a math problem involving a spinner and different colors the spinner could land on. The math teacher breifly said something about the problem but skipped over it cause it was a very complicated problem to solve. After class, I had asked him if a computer simulation could figure out the answer to the problem and he agreed that a simulation could solve it so he had me write a simulation to solve the problem. This introduced me into Python, a simple programming language, and since then, I have built countless projects using Python. Click Here to see my portfoilo filled with tons of the best projects I've created.

Code from the Spinner Problem

Youtube Career

As some people know, I've started a Youtube channel as a side hobby where I make Minecraft Content. I mostly do shorts but I have made a few longer form videos. You can find my Youtube channel by clicking here.

The Reason
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